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Website post
MoU Signed between CSU, Phililippines and YIMS Ezhakkad, Palakkad.

It has been an extraordinary and remarkable day, 22nd of August, 2023, for Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies (YIMS), as it signed its First International Memorandum of Understanding (Virtual Mode) with the esteemed Cagayan State University (CSU), Phililippines. University President Respected Dr. Urdujah G. Alvarado representing CSU and Principal Adv. Dr. Tomy Antony, representing YIMS […]

folklore Certificate
YIMS Affiliated to Kerala Folklore Academy

Yuvakshetra College is Now, affiliated to Kerala Folklore Academy. Thank you Dr. Vishal Jophnson, Faculty of the Department of Malayalam. Kerala Folklore Academy, an independent center for cultural affairs, was established on 28 June 1995. The main objective of the Academy is to promote and project the traditional art forms of Kerala. Kerala Folklore Academy, […]