The emblem of Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies And it meanings

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Asato Maa Sad Gamaya
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya

(Brihadaranyaka Upanishads, 1.3.28)

The Indian prayer of Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya, (Lead me from the darkness to light) which is known as the santhi mantra in the Vedic and Upanishadic tradition, is the core of the message of the emblem of Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies. “Ignorance is darkness and erudition is light”. The goal of the name Yuvakshetra is the combination of two Sanskrit words yuva and kshetra. The word yuva means youth or a young human being and shetra means a holy place or a gathering place. So the name Yuva kshetra signifies a holy gathering place of the young people. The book signifies two exposures; First and foremost it stands for the Holy Bible which is the source of eternal wisdom and in the second part the book stands for all the written works of wisdom and knowledge in the world. There are two flames coming from the book of wisdom; one is big and the other is small. The big flame stands for the infinite, eternal and perennial wisdom that comes from God and the small flame stands for the finite wisdom and knowledge that human being acquire through their hard work and studies. On either sides of the flame there are two towers that signify the tower of Confidence and the tower of Perseverance. It means that the wisdom and knowledge become enriched only in the context of confidence and perseverance.
The motto “Inform and form to transform” throws light into the very existence of Yuvakshetra. The knowledge we impart to the students about the natural and supernatural values and ethical principles other than the curriculum shapes the physical, emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual and curricular dimensions together with their mind, intellect, behavior and personality. Thus we try to transform them to be better citizens, job candidates, persons of
values, and lovers of nature. The radiance of rays shown in the emblem indicates that a person transformed in such a way envisaged by Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies will carry out light around him in the society. Imbibing the words of Jesus who said “I am the light of the world” (Jn. 8, 12), the students who are enlightened with the spiritual and secular wisdom, become capable of enlightening the world in and around.